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  • Mon-Fri: 8.00am to 5.00pm


A growth path for Asset Reliability Leaders and Practitioners. The only way to gain a first-class education and achieve recognition for knowledge and experience.

Asset Reliability Leaders and Practitioners

The only way to enjoy success in a reliability improvement initiative is to appreciate what it takes to achieve culture change and the process improvements necessary to change the current practices into those that ensure equipment is maintained and operated in a manner that achieves peak performance. Mobius Institute™ has developed a series of training courses that provide the breadth and depth of knowledge necessary to achieve success.

Everyone needs to play their role in the initiative, and we offer training, and in some cases accredited certification, on the growth path from technician to leader:

      • Precision maintenance skills: alignment, balancing, fastening, and lubrication
      • Condition monitoring program establishment and technology expertise: vibration, ultrasound, oil analysis, infrared, and motor current analysis
      • Reliability engineering with the technical skills to implement the technical elements
      • Reliability leadership with the leadership skills to make the business case, build a strategy, and develop a motivated culture
      • Asset reliability strategy: the plan to ensure the initiative delivers sustained business value

A foundation built on mechanical skills

If the machine is not precision aligned and balanced, if it is not lubricated correctly, and if the fasteners are too tight or loose, the machine is destined for a short and disappointing life. It will be another asset that does not deliver its true value, it will interrupt operations, add to your maintenance costs, at worst, result in injury or environmental hard.

You can solve that problem with specific skills training, and you will learn all about it in the Asset Reliability Practitioner [ARP]  courses.

See the future with condition monitoring

  Condition monitoring is a key ingredient in any successful reliability improvement initiative, but while it can drastically reduce costs and improve plant reliability and dependability, it does not necessarily contribute to improved equipment reliability.

  You can take specific training on the technologies according to ISO standards, or you can learn how to design and lead the condition monitoring program in the Asset Reliability Practitioner [ARP] courses.

Asset Reliability Practitioner [ARP] training and certification

To enjoy a truly successful reliability improvement initiative, you need both depth and breadth of knowledge.

The leader of the initiative must have a clear view of the entire scope of the initiative, with a detailed understanding of the business proposition, the culture change process, and the individual steps required to implement the strategy. The reliability engineer must have a depth of knowledge in reliability analysis, maintenance strategy, and best practice, plus condition monitoring (and other topics). And they both must be surrounded by a workforce of people who are engaged and enthusiastic about the initiative.

The Asset Reliability Practitioner [ARP] training and accredited certification program provides the knowledge, qualifications, and growth path to enable a program to be run successfully.  Mobius Institute Board of Certification (MIBoC) is accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) to provide personnel certification for Asset Reliability Practitioners according to ISO/IEC 17024, ED161-1 and ED161-2.


  Everyone must start somewhere. Whether you are new to reliability improvement and need a way to get up to speed, or if you wish to understand the complete holistic view of reliability and performance improvement because you are considering beginning a program, the ARP-A “Reliability Advocate” course is the perfect place to start.

Quick facts:

    • Gain a business overview of the benefits of reliability improvement
    • Understand the need for culture change and to educate everyone
    • Understand the strategy to implement a successful program
    • Gain a technical overview of the required precision maintenance practices and condition monitoring
    • Understand what it will take to develop the asset strategy (maintenance plan)
    • 3-day live course, also available in video format, and can be delivered at your site
    • Accredited certification to ISO/IEC 17024

Note: Modified versions of this course are available for different audiences: different durations and different levels of detail.

FREE DEMO: See a preview of the ARP-A course. Included is segments from our instructional videos and a chapter from our comprehensive ARP-A manual. You can access the training demo with your student credentials or create a new account using this link – ARP-A Course Demonstration Link.


This course is perfect for the Technical reliability engineer. If you are the person who needs to understand how to implement the technical elements of reliability improvement and perform the analysis that will drive the key decisions, this is the ideal course for you.

Quick facts:

      • You will learn reliability data analysis techniques: criticality analysis, Pareto analysis, statistical analysis, Weibull analysis, and others
      • You will learn how to establish the asset strategy with fault tree analysis, RCM, FMECA, and PMO
      • You will learn how to perform and utilize root cause analysis
      • You will understand condition-based maintenance and the core technologies: vibration, ultrasound, oil analysis, infrared thermography, motor testing, and others
      • You will understand planning and scheduling, spares management, and precision/proactive maintenance: lubrication, alignment, balancing, and others
      • 5-day live course, also available in video format, and can be delivered at your site
      • Accredited certification to ISO/IEC 17024

FREE DEMO : See a preview of the ARP-E course. Included is segments from our instructional videos and a chapter from our comprehensive ARP-E manual. You can access the training demo with your student credentials or create a new account using this link – ARP-E Course Demonstration Link.


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If the responsibility for running a successful reliability and performance improvement initiative rests on your shoulders (or you wish it did), this is the course for you. The emphasis on this course is how to generate business value, develop and implement a strategy, and create the right culture, although we do summarize the technical elements.

Quick facts:

    • You will learn about the economics of reliability: aligning the strategy to business goals, economic justification (NPV, ROI, and others), measuring value, and more
    • You will learn about how to implement a successful strategy, with an emphasis on the Asset Reliability Transformation [ART] process
    • You will learn about how to change the culture: leadership, human psychology, human error, culture change, skills/education assessment, and more
    • You will receive an overview of the technical aspects of reliability improvement
    • 5-day live course, also available in video format, and can be delivered at your site
    • Accredited certification to ISO/IEC 17024

FREE DEMO: See a preview of the ARP-L course. Included is segments from our instructional videos and a chapter from our comprehensive ARP-L manual. You can access the training demo with your student credentials or create a new account using this link – ARP-L Course Demonstration Link.


Respected, accredited certification

  Everyone should be recognized for their knowledge and experience, and that is certainly true for the champions of reliability improvement. There is so much to know across such a broad range of topics, that it takes a special person to be successful. The Asset Reliability Practitioner® certification program recognizes people in two ways: for their knowledge and for their experience

Recognition for your knowledge

Following the guidelines established by international standards (IEC and ISO) and adhering to the highest standard of IEC/ISO 17024, the Asset Reliability Practitioner ARP-A “Reliability Advocate”ARP-E “Reliability Engineer”, and ARP-L “Reliability Program Leader” recognizes your knowledge and general experience.

If you are educated, pass the examination, and can verify your experience, you will join the ranks of the international fraternity of Mobius Institute™ certified practitioners.

This is a legitimate certification.

Mobius Institute Board of Certification (MIBoC) is accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) to provide personnel certification for Asset Reliability Practitioners according to ISO/IEC 17024, ED161-1 and ED161-2.


One of the keys to success: a practical, detailed strategy

You must have a strategy to be successful. Improving reliability and achieving target levels of performance is not easy. Many have tried and many have failed. The most common reason for failure is a lack of strategy: a plan that avoids the bear traps and keeps everyone motivated and aligned.

We have built the Asset Reliability Transformation [ART] process that will guide you, step-by-step through the initiative:

    • 10 phases, 64 steps, and 365 documented recommended practices – no stone left unturned
    • We help you ask the right questions at the right time so you make the right moves
    • VALUE, PEOPLE, and STRATEGY: Build a solid foundation
    • CONTROL: Overcome reactive maintenance
    • ACQUIRE, DISCIPLINE, CARE, ANALYTICS, EOL, and OPTIMIZE: Don’t create problems, make data-driven decisions, and continually improve