
Ferrous Wear Debris Meter


Testing lubricant samples for ferrous wear debris is an established method to detect developing and impending damages as well as gaining knowledge about the wear life cycle of the tested equipment. CMT´s newest addition to its product range – the Ferrous Wear Debris Meter – is an accurate, easy-touse solution for offline and at-line measurements of ferrous wear debris concentrations.

Gain the insight necessary to determine the condition of your equipment. Applicable for diverse applications like Cylinder Drain Oil of 2-stroke diesel engines gearboxes or other machinery.

Testing lubricant samples for ferrous wear debris is an established method to detect developing and impending damages as well as gaining knowledge about the wear life cycle of the tested equipment. 
The Ferrous Wear Debris Meter is an accurate, easy-to-use solution for offline and at-line measurements of ferrous wear debris concentrations.

Gain the insight necessary to determine the condition of your equipment. Applicable for diverse applications like Cylinder Drain Oil of 2-stroke diesel engines gearboxes or other machinery.

The Ferrous Wear Debris Meter provides repeatable and accurate determination of ferromagnetic material concentration down to single ppm levels.

It provides a mass proportional output from any size or quantity of ferrous contaminant particles, even submicron particles. Particle size does not affect the measurement (in contrast to spectrometric methods).
Readings are unaffected by properties (dielectric) of fluid base, or additive package, or water content. Readings are straightforward and are presented in mass/volume standard units, i.e.: mg Fe per liter, or ppm.

Ordering Information


FWDM Ferrous Wear Debris Meter

Range:0 – 2000 ppm
Sensitivity (ferrous):down to 1 ppm
Repeatability:1+/- 1 ppm typically
Power supply:12 V DC
Weight:980 g
Test time:1 second


FWDM Consumables Pack

No. of 2 ml Test tubes: 250