
Vibration Camera Motion Detector – RDI IRIS MX™

Vibration Camera Motion Detector – RDI IRIS MX™
Leveraging a high-speed camera for frame rates over 10,000 fps,
the Iris MX’s most unique capability is the ability
to apply Motion Amplification®


The Iris MX from RDI Technologies expands upon its revolutionary Iris M™ product to open up the world of Motion Amplification® to high-speed applications. With up to 1400 FPS in HD resolution, you can now apply Motion Amplification® and communicate virtually every displacement in the scene.

Leveraging a high-speed camera for frame rates over 10,000 fps, the Iris MX’s most unique capability is the ability to apply Motion Amplification® and show motions well over 5,000 Hz and produce an infinite amount of absolute measurements within the scene. The Iris MX enables the user to see the fault by visualizing the motion of the entire machine, its structure and base, and the surrounding environment to determine the root cause. This enables the users to quickly and comprehensively diagnose machinery in a simple and easy-to-understand video. This video can be used to close the communication gap between technical and non-technical resources and empowers them to fix problems. The Iris MX is high-level analysis in its’ simplest form.

_______ VIDEO RESOURCES _______


Motion Amplification® is a proprietary video processing technique that detects subtle displacement and then converts that movement to a level visible with the naked eye.


Iris MX™ measures and quantifies mechanical or structural assets that a camera can see with the same accuracy as a contacting displacement sensor.


Iris MX™ allows you to filter your data and visualize movement at specific frequencies to find the real source of a problem and help position your team to fix it.


Iris MX™ enhances understanding of components and interrelationships creating movement and provides a communication tool for technical and non-technical resources.

________ Software Program IRIS CM™ _________


   By visualizing, quantifying, and relaying structural assets’ movement, Motion Amplification® software provides a window into just how damaging vibrations and improper machinery movement can become. RDI’s Motion Amplification® technology can assess faults in machinery and other components by measuring the physical properties of movement and vibration, deflection, and displacement. 

    Using patented camera and software technology, Motion Amplification® involves turning every pixel in the camera’s view into a sensor to measure and record video vibration analysis and motion with incredible accuracy. From there, a proprietary video processing algorithm detects subtle motion and enlarges it to be visible to the naked eye.

   Visualization provides a key difference in determining and understanding faults in machinery, infrastructure, and even processes in human bodies. While tools like accelerometers, strain gauges, and modeling software can detect and relay traditional vibration data, being able to see vibration problems and their potential solutions via video makes for a deeper impact than looking at only data and charts.

Vibration Camera

But by using a Motion Amplification® camera and software, it’s possible to detect such tiny movements and understand their effects. Motion Amplification® technology uses digital video and image processing techniques to measure vibration and movement pixel by pixel, extracting and scaling up data to produce a visual representation of movement.

   The live video feed processes pixels in real time to show how vibrations and movements affect the whole system and supporting structures and can be recorded and post processed for advanced analysis. While conventional vibration analysis techniques can produce numerical data and charts that indicate vibration extent and damage, seeing is believing. Video Motion Amplification® provides a powerful, non-invasive visual representation of subtle movements and a rich, cost-effective means of analysis.

______________ VIBRATION ANALYSIS & MONITORING EQUIPMENT _______________

Live Motion Amplification®
Calibrated Displacement Measurements
Frequency Based Filtering
Advanced Troubleshooting

Motion Amplification®
Up to 1400 FPS in HD Resolution
Calibrated Displacement Measurements
Available as an Add On

Live Motion Amplification®
Multiple Synchronized CamerasContinuous Monitoring
Event and Threshold Triggering

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